The EdD in the Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations prepares mid-career leaders for advanced leadership positions in K–12 schools, higher education settings, and other teaching and learning environments. Graduates are prepared to become
- collaborative leaders and change agents,
- data-driven decision-makers,
- critical consumers of research,
- culturally proficient agents for educational equity, and
- proficient leaders in education contexts.
The EdD Program and its faculty will support candidates as they concurrently complete their course work and dissertations. Students will feel comfortable discussing the spiritual roots of their leadership practice, their research, and their understanding of the research literature in educational leadership. Consistent with the university values, this program requires a high level of commitment.
Click here for frequently asked questions about the program. Please note that we enter a new cohort only on even-numbered years (2020, 2022, and so on). Therefore, our application deadline for those interested in applying for the 2020 cohort will be March 1, 2020.
Provisions for Commuting Candidates
To better meet the needs of candidates who have full-time jobs, the BYU Education Doctorate Program holds classes in long intensive blocks of time for two days every three or four weeks, as well as during spring and summer terms. Thus candidates who are employed outside the university's immediate geographic area have an opportunity to enroll in the program and enjoy a BYU experience, extending the influence of the university's programs and ideals.
Contact number for more information
Ed Leadership:
(801) 422-4291 / (801) 422-3813
To read the Doctoral Handbook, click here.