de Medeiros Miranda, E., & Baum, D. (2024). COVID-19 learning loss and recovery in Brazil: Assessing gaps across social groups. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32, 1-23.
Leavy, D., Baum, D., Calvert, I., Bowles, B., Erickson, H., Owens, M., & Ashcraft, J. (2024). The Unique Professional Journey of Female High School Principals in Utah. Education Sciences, 14(5), 445.
Nerdin, M., Baum, D., Hallam, P., & Bowles, B. (2024). Successful impoverished schools: What are the existing conditions in high poverty schools that have a higher than average proficiency rate? In J. Zajda and P, Hallam (Eds.), Globalisation and Leadership in Schools. Springer, volume 43.
Anderson, K., Kim, J., Aslam, M., Baum, D., Hagos, B., Jeffery, D., Rose, P, and Saeed, S. (2022). The COVID-19 Pandemic and Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia, Liberia, and Pakistan: Perspectives of Pre-primary School Teachers. In J. Pattnaik and M. Renck Jalongo (Eds.), The impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education and care: International perspectives, challenges, and responses. Springer, Educating the Young Child, volume 18.
Hunsaker, S., Baum, D., & Ducos, K. (2022). Reducing the constraints to school access and progress: Assessing the effects of a scholarship program in rural Malawi. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 24(2), 86-100.
Baum, D. (2021). Non-state actors in early childhood education in LMICs: Implications for education equity and quality. Paper prepared for the Global Education Monitoring Report 2019 GEM Report Fellowship. UNESCO.
King, K., Crouch, L., Wils, A., & Baum, D. (2020). How well are we measuring access to early childhood education? Annual Review of Comparative Education, 39, 171-189.
Lui, C., Ferrin, S., Baum, D., & Randall, V. (2020). The preferred perceptual learning styles of Hispanic higher education students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 19(4), 404-421.
Wilson, T., Hallam, P., Baum, D., & Owens, M. (2020). Impact of propensity to trust on academic success of student-athletes: Implications for student-athlete academic support in higher education. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.
Baum, D., & Riley, I. (2019). The relative effectiveness of private and public schools: Evidence from Kenya. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(2), 104-154.
Baum, D. R., Hernandez, J., Orchard, A. (2019). Early childhood education for all: A mixed-methods study of the global policy agenda in Tanzania. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 39(3), 260-275.
Katherine, K., Crouch, L., Wils, A., Baum, D. R. (2019). How well are we measuring access to early childhood education?. Annual Review of Comparative Education, 39 (173-191).
Baum, D. R. (2019). Early childhood education for all: A mixed-methods study of the global policy agenda in Tanzania. Early Years: An International Research Journal. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09575146.2019.1572075
Baum, D. R., Abdul-Hamid, H., Wesley, H. T. (2018). Inequality of educational opportunity: The relationship between access, affordability, and quality of private schools in Lagos, Nigeria. Oxford Review of Education, 44(4), 459-475. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03054985.2017.1421153
Baum, D. R., Cilliers, J. (2018). Private schools vouchers for expanding secondary school access? The case of Tanzania. International Journal of Educational Management, 32(7). https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/IJEM-11-2017-0303?journalCode=ijem
Baum, D. R., Cooper, R., Lusk-Stover, O. (2018). Regulating market entry of low-cost private schools in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards a theory of private education regulation. International Journal of Educational Development, 60. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0738059316304989
Baum, D. R. (2018). The effectiveness and equity of public-private partnerships in education: A quasi-experimental evaluation of 17 countries. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(105). https://epaa.asu.edu/ojs/article/view/3436
Baum, D. R., Riley, I. (2018). The relative effectiveness of private and public schools: Evidence from Kenya. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09243453.2018.1520132
Lui, C. J., Ferrin, S. E., Baum, D. R., Randall, E. V. (2018). The perceptual learning style preferences of Hispanic students in higher education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Online First, 1-18.
Boren, D. M. (2025). Making a case for collaboration. Impact Journal, Winter.
Boren, D. M. (2025). Superstar teams: Cultivating communities of learning. Leader Magazine, Winter.
Skousen, J. D., Weiler, S. C., Boren, D., Pesci, B., Johnson, A., Antivilo, K., Averett, J., Ricks Heaton, T., & Crandall, N. (2024). Reflections about educational leadership: Leadership lessons learned from school building leaders at the end of a career in public education. Journal of School Leadership, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/10526846241298645
Flanagan, P.E., Hilton, S.C., Hallam, P.R., Boren, D.M. (2024). District response to USB64: Focus on compliance or improved student learning. In: Zajda, J., Hallam, P. (eds) Globalisation and leadership in schools. Globalisation, comparative education and policy research, vol 42. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-53223-8_6
Boren, D. M. (2024). This is a student! Reigniting purpose and passion at school. Impact Journal, Summer, 4-6.
Boren, D. M. (2024). Back to the basics: This is a student. Leader Magazine, Summer, 7-8.
Crandall, N. & Boren, D. M. (2024). One of our most important jobs: New teacher induction. Impact Journal, Winter, 17-20.
Quist, B. & Boren, D. M. (2024). Humble leadership. Leader Magazine, Winter 2024, 10-13.
Boren, D. M. & Quist, B. (2023). Mission possible! Rekindling a calling orientation in education. Impact Journal, Fall, 4-7.
Boren, D. M., & Jensen, J. N. (2023). Leading for a culture of deep learning. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah State Board of Education.
Quist, B. & Boren, D. M. (2023). Humble school leadership. Impact Journal, Summer, 6-9.
Fawson, S., Bates, M., & Boren, D. M. (2023). Addressing wellbeing in schools: An educator's practical guide to improving wellbeing. EdTech Books. https://edtechbooks.org/addressing_wellbeing
Boren, D. M. (2023). Let's energize! Making everyone around us better. Leader Magazine, Summer, 15-18.
Boren, D. M. (2023). Energize! Fostering hope in our schools. Impact Journal, Spring, 18-22.
Boren, D. M. (2023). Now that's success! Running our best race as schools. Leader Magazine, Winter 2023.
Boren, D. M. (2022). Real success in schools: Running our best race. Impact Journal, Fall, 24-31.
Boren, D. M., Jensen J. (2022). Let's do a coaching tune-up. Impact Journal, Summer, 16-21.
Boren, D. M. (2022). Time for a coaching tune-up. Leader Magazine, Summer.
Boren, D. M. (2022). Front quarter! Helping teachers thrive through intentional, differentiated, coordinated support. Impact Journal, Winter, 12-14.
Boren, D. M. (2022). Leading school improvement with head, hand, heart, and hardball, Leader Magazine, Winter, 12-17.
Boren, D. M. (2021). Head, hand, heart, & hardball: Leading positive changes, Impact Journal, Fall, 9-12.
Boren, D. M., Jensen, J. (2021). Principal endurance: Finding your pace and stride to thrive as a school leader, Impact Journal, Summer, 10-14.
Boren, D. M. (2021). Wellbeing in schools. Impact Journal, Winter, 10-13.
Boren, D. M. (2021). Spring, jog, walk, or rest? Finding your pace and stride as a school leader. Leader Magazine, Spring, 13-17.
Tang, H., Hite, S. J., Hite, J. M., Boren, D. M., Randall, E. V. (2021). Challenges and achievements in student learning experiences in a business school's at home internationalization programs in China. Journal of International Education in Business, 14(2), 259-296.
Boren, D. M., Backman, J., Amy, M., Owens, M. A. (2021). Leading deep learning. AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 18(1).
Boren, D. M. (2021). Syncing or sinking? Finding our swing in rough waters. Impact Journal, 23(1).
Boren, D. M. (2021). Let’s sync, not sink! Paddling together through rough waters. Leader Magazine, Summer.
Boren, D. M., Jensen, J. N. (2020). Leading effective professional development. Impact, 22(1).
Boren, D. M. (2020). Of piano practice and teacher professional development. Leader Magazine, Winter, 9-12.
Jensen, J. M. (2019). The why and the what of the school leadership team: A bicycle worth riding.
Hallam, P. R., Boren, D. M. (2019). Examining a University-District Sponsored Principals Academy Through the Lens of Principal Supervisors. AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice.
Boren, D. M. (2019). Teacher Well-Being: Principals Supporting a Smooth Ride. Leader(Winter).
Jensen, J. M. (2019). The why and the what of the school leadership team: A bicycle worth riding. Impact, 20(1). 2060 N. 900 W.
Boren, D. M. (2018). A Joy to Work With!. Impact, Winter.
Boren, D. M. (2018). Focus on Fundamentals: Helping Our PLCs Flourish. The Leader Magazine, Winter. MCKB 306B Brigham Young University.
Boren, D. M., Hallam, P. R., Ray, N. C., Gill, C. L., Li, K. (2017). Examining Effective Principal Professional Development Through a University-District Sponsored Principals Academy. Educational Practice and Theory, 39(2).
Rocha, M., Boren, D. M. (2017). The why, what, and how of deeper mathematical learning for students, teachers, and administrators. The Leader Magazine, Summer(2017). MCKB 306B Brigham Young University.
Christensen, S., Davies, R. S., Hanks, J., Harris, S., Bowles, W. B. (2021). Parental Perceptions of the Teaching Profession: Factors that Predict Parental Encouragement of Students to Enter the Teaching Profession. Education Sciences.
Hanks, J., Ferrin, S. E., Davies, R. S., Christensen, S., Harris, S., Bowles, W. B. (2021). Law and policy impacts on teacher attrition in public education: Data suggesting a new focus beyond the silver bullets of targeted STEM and other salary increases. Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal. https://digitalcommons.law.byu.edu/elj/
Harris, S. P., Davies, R. S., Christensen, S. S., Bowles, W. B. (2019). Teacher Attrition: Differences in Stakeholder Perceptions of Teacher Work Conditions. Education Sciences, 9, 300. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/education
Christensen, S. S., Davies, R. S., Harris, S. P., Bowles, W. B. (2019). Teacher Recruitment: Factors That Predict High School Students' Willingness to Become Teachers. Education Sciences, 9, 282. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/education
Bowles, B.W., & Smith R.W. (2019). Utah. In E.E D.Thompson et al. (Eds.), Funding public schools in the United States and Indian Country. (pp. 691-715) Charlotte, NC: IAP - Information Age Publishing.
Bowles, W. B. (2018). Show them how much you care. Leader Magazine, Summer(2018).
Bowles, W. B. (2018). Take control of your time. 19(2).
Skousen, J., Calvert, I., Weiler, S., Hilton, S., Kopanke, J. & Cornelius, L. (2024). The Voice of Experience: A Multi-State Empirical Examination of Arming School District Employees from Superintendents Working in School Districts with Armed Personnel.
McIntire, A., Calvert, I. & Ashcraft, J. (2024). Pressure to Plagiarize: Toward a Pragmatic Reframing of the Ethics of Academic Integrity. Education Sciences.
Leavy, D., Baum, D., Calvert, I., Bowles, B., Erickson, H. & Ashcraft, J. (2024). The Unique Professional Journey of Female High School Principals in Utah. Educational Administration Quarterly.
Calvert, I. & Ashcraft, J. (2024). Leaving the Office Pleasure-Palace: Buddha as Archetype for Education Leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education.
Barnes, A., & Calvert, I. (2023). We Don't Need No Education: A Textual Analysis of Anglo-American Popular Music Lyrics about School. Education Sciences, 14(1), 4.
Barnes, A., Calvert, I. (2023). Review of Literature Concerning Female Educator Sex Offenders. Education Law Journal, 2023, Vol. 2.
Calvert, I., Hawkley, M. N., & Swift, S. (2023). Violinmaking Apprenticeship: A Qualitative Investigation of Learning as Embodied Familiarization. Qualitative Report, 28(9).
Ashcraft, J. & Calvert, I. (2023). Teaching, Learning and the Buddha: Educative Principles from the Nidana-Katha. Religions, 14(9), 1093.
Graham, M. A., Goldsberry, C., & Calvert, I. (2023). Anyone can make a religious object: undoing spirituality and contemporary art. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 38(1), 137-154.
Calvert, I. (2023). "Pedagogic Prescriptions of the Babylonian Talmud: Between Orthodoxy and Flexibility." In L. Gearon (Ed.), International Handbook of Religious Education. Oxford University Press.
Calvert, I. & Ashcraft, J. (2023). "The Rabbi, Guru and Sage: Profiles of an Educational Leader from Judaism, Hinduism and Daoism." In J. Zajda & P. Hallam (Eds.), Globalization and Leadership in Schools. Springer.
Calvert, I., Bengtzen, S. & Ashcraft, J. (2023). Teaching and Learning Principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: A Thematic Analysis of The Doctrine and Covenants. Religious Education.
Ashcraft, J., Calvert, I., & Moon, A. (2023). Principles of Teaching and Learning from the Bhagavad Gita. Journal of Religious Education.
Calvert, I., Weiler, S. & Stimpson, B. (2023). One Released Time Program on a State's Funding for Public Education.
Stimpson, B., Weiler, S. & Calvert, I. (2023). From Released Time Religious Instruction to a Coach Praying at the 50-yard Line: Using McCollum to Explain the Radical Nature of Kennedy.
Mitchell, J., Owens, M., & Calvert, I. (2023). Assessing Experiential Learning Program Design and Delivery Using Institutional Mission and Professional Standards. World Studies in Education.
Calvert, I., Richards, B. & Ashcraft, J. (2023). Questioning "The Mormon Puzzle": Progressive Education and the Quality of Utah Schools in the Late 19th Century. History of Education Quarterly.
Darger, L., Hallam, P., Calvert, I., Baum, D. & Ashcraft, J. (2023). Latter-day Saint Women and Leadership in Higher Education: An Intrinsic Case Study.
Bown, N., Ashcraft, J. & Calvert, I. (2023). Pedagogic Prescriptions from the Pirkei Avot: An Analysis of Foundational Principles of Jewish Education.
Sikitch, C., Ashcraft, J. & Calvert, I. (2023). I Wanna Be Like You: Teacher-Mentor Archetypes from Disney Animated Film.
Wilson, R., Ashcraft, J. & Calvert, I. (2023). On the Nature of Holiness in The Book of Mormon: A Textual Analysis.
Hallam, P., Calvert, I., & Brown, S. (2021). Common Ground Leadership Team: Building Trust in Uncommon Groups. World Studies in Education, 22(2), 47-72.
Calvert, I. W., Stimpson, B. (2021). Qur'anic Educational Philosophy: Foundational Principles of Education in Islam's Holiest Text. Religions, 12(2), 82. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/12/2/82
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Holiness and Imitatio Dei: A Jewish Perspective on the Sanctity of Teaching and Learning. Religions, 12(2).
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Oh How Great the Plan of Our God. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Be Reconciled Unto God Through the Atonement of Christ. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Filled With Love Towards God and Man. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). We Have Entered Into a Covenant With Him. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Jesus Christ Will Come to Redeem His People. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). The Virtue of the Word of God. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Stand Fast in the Faith of Christ. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Glad Tidings of Great Joy. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Behold My Joy is Full. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. (2020). Faith and Fulfillment. Meridian Magazine.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Hope Where Once Was None. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Lessons from the Gospel's End. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. (2019). The Power of the Spoken Word. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing. 306R, McKay School of Education
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). On the Learning After Learning. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). The Simplicity of Sanctity. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). On the Foolishness of God. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Trials, Knowledge and the Spirit. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Treasuring Up Our Learning. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Bending to Truth, Not Bending the Truth. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). When to Listen and When to Not. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. W. (2019). Hear the Music, Join the Dance. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. (2019). Being What We Teach. Meridian Magazine. Alpine, UT: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. (2019). Matt 3, Mark 1 and Luke 3. Meridian Magazine: Meridian Publishing.
Calvert, I. W. (2019). Sanctifying Security: Jewish Approaches to Religious Education in Jerusalem. Religions, 10(23), 11.
Calvert, I. (2018). Education and the Sacred: Judaic Holiness and the Dynamics of Teaching and Learning—An Ethnography from Jerusalem. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
Calvert, I. W. (2018). We Are Responsible for our Own Learning: A Rabbi's Tale. Meridian Magazine: Meridian Publishing.
Bostwick et al. (2014). A Process for the Critical Analysis of Instructional Theory. Educational Technology Research and Development, 62(5), 571-582.
Calvert, I. (2014). Investigating the One-on-One Master-Apprentice Relationship: A Case Study in Traditional Craft Apprenticeship. BYU Scholars Archive: All Theses and Dissertations. Paper 4154.
Juncker, J., Calvert, I., Clements, G. et al. (2013). Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2001-2010, 40-45. In Educational Technology 53 (April).

Dr. Heidi Holmes Erickson
Assistant Professor
General Campus
Kisida, Brian, Ritter, Gary, Gontram, Jennifer, Erickson, Heidi H., Anglum, Cameron J., Leatherwood, Darnell, & Lee, Matt H. (2025). Bridging the Divide over Critical Race Theory in America’s Classroom. EducationNext, forthcoming in Spring 2025. Available online at https://www.educationnext.org/bridging-the-divide-over-critical-race-theory-americas-classrooms-debate-woke-instruction/.
Leavy, Deon, Baum, Donald, Calvert, Isaac, Bowles, Bryan., Erickson, Heidi H., Owens, Michael & Ashcraft, Jessica (2024). The Unique Professional Journey of Female High School Principals in Utah. Education Sciences, 14(5), 445.
Erickson, Heidi H., Scriber, Kimberly. 2023. Virtual Charter Schools and Student Post-Secondary Enrollment. Journal of School Choice, in press. https://doi.org/10.1080/15582159.2023.2289094
James, Mary Allison& Geo-JaJa, Macleans A. (2024) Quality teachers for outcome optimization: a review of school input-output functionality’ in 4th edition of the Globalization, Education, and Policy Research, Springer Academic Publishers Amsterdam: The Netherlands
Geo-JaJa, M. A. & Adams Jenna (2023) “Differentiated” development in the era of coloniality: Is it possible? World Studies in Education.
Geo-JaJa, M. A. (2023) Unsettled liberation and uncertain times: education and globalization shaping divergence, Journal of Political Crossroad
Geo-JaJa, M. A. & Majhanovich, Suzanna (2021) Development aid with reciprocity: A response to imperialism and the politics of global coloniality, Political Crossroads
Geo-JaJa, M. A. &Zajda, J., (2020) Globalization and coloniality of education and development in Africa, International Journal of Political Crossroads, 24(1): 39-57.
Geo-JaJa, M. A. (2020) Globalization and coloniality of education and unmaking development in Africa, In Zajda, Joseph (Ed.) International Handbook on Globalization, Education and Policy Research, Springer Nature BV Publishers Amsterdam: The Netherlands
Farakwai, M., Karasuwa, A, & Geo-JaJa, M. A (Eds.) (2020) Words of Our Leaders Ideas of Our Nation: Selected speeches and writings in Nigerian history, Kaduna: TNN Publishers
Geo-JaJa, M. A. (2017). Self-Study of Academic Programs the Department of Economics, 1 (1-57). Washington DC, USA: Geo-JaJa, Macleans, A. (2017) A Self-Study of the Department of Economics, Ahmadu Bello University, NigeriCarnegie Foundation and Institute of International Education, Washington DC.
Geo-JaJa, M. A., MaMajhanovich, S. (2017). The Promise and Pitfalls of Development Aid: The Elusive Goal of Aid that Helps People to Help Themselves.. World Studies in Education, 18(1).
Backman J. S., Hilton S. C., and Hallam P. R. (2025, Submitted). A district-wide study confirming the relationship between professional Learning communities and student achievement in elementary schools. In, Globalisation and organizational and pedagogical leadership.
Staffieri A. L., Hilton S. C., and Hallam P. R. (2025, Submitted). Psychological and behavioral dimensions of team trust and adherence to collaborative team norms within PLCs. In, Globalisation and organizational and pedagogical leadership.
Hamm J. D,, Weiler S., Hallam P. R., Bowles W. B., Calvert I. (2025, Submitted). Instructional Readership: A narrative case study examining how books influence the professional practices of school principals in one rural/suburban school district. In, Globalisation and organizational and pedagogical leadership.
Hodgman M., Brown A., Hallam P. R., Cantor-Cutiva L., Hunter E. (2025, Submitted). Dual perspectives on teachers' vocal well-being. In, Globalisation and organizational and pedagogical leadership.
Rough, R., Geo-JaJa M., & Hallam, P.R. (Submitted 2024). Educational reform as a pathway to eliminating the school-to-prison pipeline. Race Ethnicity and Education.
Jackson, G., Brown, S. D., & Hallam P. R. (Submitted, 2024). "Only noticed when it becomes scarce or polluted": The presence, absence, and role of trust in intergroup dialogue theory, research, and practice. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Brown, A. J., Brown, S. D., Hallam, P.R., & Shumway, H., (Submitted, 2024). Trust dynamics in Spanish schools: A comparative analysis of leader-teacher relationships and their impact on educational success. Educational Practice & Theory.
Hamm, J. D., Weiler, S., Hallam, P.R., & Bowles, W.B. (Submitted, 2024). Instructional readership: A narrative case study examining how books influence the professional practices of school principals in one rural/suburban school district. Journal of Research on Leadership Education.Pamela R. Hallam 3
Benson S. J., Hallam P. R., & Hilton S.C. (Submitted, 2024). Culture and Collective Teacher Efficacy: A Case Study in Efficacy. Journal of School Administration Research and Development.
Darger, E. Hallam P.R., Calvert I., & Bowles B. (Submitted 2024) Latter-day Saint women and leadership in higher education: An intrinsic case study. Qualitative Report
Patton, S., Hallam P. R., Calvert I., & Bowles W. B. (2024). Persistence in Adult Education in Utah: Factors and frameworks to foster success. World Studies in Education, 24(2), 71-103.
Hallam, P.R., Hodgman, M., Cantor-Cutiva, L.C, & Hunter E.J. (2024). Raising the volume on teacher vocal wellness: Perspective from practicing school administrators. Journal of Scholarship and Practice
Hallam, P.R., Hodgman, M., McIntire, A., Cantor-Cutiva, L.C, & Hunter E.J. (2024) Supporting teacher wellness: Administrator insights on protecting teacher vocal health. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1-19.
Cantor-Cutiva, L.C., Hallam, P.R., & Hunter, E.J. (2024). Speak Up for Teachers Health: the Importance of Vocal Care in Education Settings. Education and Society, 42(1), 5-19.
Nerdin M. W., Baum D. R., Hallam, P. R., and Bowles, W. B. (2024). Successful impoverished schools: What are the existing conditions in high poverty schools that have a higher than average proficiency rate. In J. Zajda & P. Hallam (Eds.), Globalisation and Leadership in Schools (pp. 55-89) Springer, Cham
Wood C. S., Hilton, S. C., and Hallam, P. R. (2024) Professional learning community team functionality and team trust. In J. Zajda & P. Hallam (Eds.), Globalisation and Leadership in Schools (pp. 35-55) Springer, Cham
Flannagan P. E., Hilton, S. C., Hallam, P. R., and Boren, D. M. (2024). District response to USB64: Focus on compliance or improved student learning. In J. Zajda & P. Hallam (Eds.), Globalisation and Leadership in Schools (pp. 117-147) Springer, Cham
Zajda J., Hallam, P.R., (2024). Research trends in globalization and leadership in schools. learning. In J. Zajda & P. Hallam (Eds.), Globalisation and Leadership in Schools (pp. 213-228) Springer, Cham
Wright, J., Hallam, P.R., & Bowles, W. B. (2023). Learning Centered Leadership: Exploring how distinguished Learning-Centered Principals apply key processes of Learning-Centered Leadership. NASSP Bulletin.
Eschler, B. H., Hallam, P. R., & Brown S. D. (2023). Teacher collaboration: Behaviors, structures, and learning outcomes. Joseph Zajda (Eds.), Globalisation and Values Education: Teaching Democracy. Vol 35, pp 13-31Springer, Netherlands.
Howe, A. T., Hallam, P. R., & Hilton S. S. (2023). Principal trust: Factors that Influence Faculty Trust in the Principal. Joseph Zajda (Eds.), Globalisation and Values Education: Teaching Democracy. Vol 35, pp 159-181Springer, Netherlands.
Hallam P. R., Brown, S. D., & Bills, J. (2022). Connecting collective efficacy, trust, and principal leadership: A case study of Stonefields School in New Zealand. World Studies in Education, 23(2), 5-36.
Hallam, P. R., Calvert I. W., Brown S. D. (2021). Common ground leadership team: Building trust in uncommon groups. World Studies in Education, 22(2), 47-72.
Brown S.D., Burton M., Hallam P.R., Settle D.J. (2021). Development of moral and ethical reasoning: A comparison of U.S. and international university students' moral reasoning skills. In Zajda J. (Eds.), Third International Handbook of Globalisation, Education and Policy Research. Springer, Netherlands.
Wilson, T., Hallam, P. R., Baum, D., & Owens, M. (2020). Impact of propensity to trust on academic success of student–athletes: Implications for athletic officials in higher education. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 7
Owens, M.A., Hallam, P.R., Brown S.D. (2020). Follower engagement in elementary schools, a multi-site study. World Studies in Education, 21(1), 5-23.
Hallam, P. R., Stone, S., & Bowles, B. (2020). Human Resource Management: Actual Cases School Principals Must Learn How to Navigate. Seventy-five real cases reported by acting school principals. Each case is presented with the facts and questions that students then work in teams to decide how to respond. The case includes district policy and applicable laws. Assignments like writing a formal letter of reprimand, etc., are included at the end of each case. This handbook is used in our EDLF 610 Human Resource Management courses.
Hallam P. R., Brown, S. D., Chan, P., & Bills, J. (2019). Navigating the new silk road: Eastern vs. Western perspectives on trust development in Chinese education. World Studies in Education, 20(1), 25-43.
Brown, S. D., Hallam, P. R., Bills, J. B., Sun, B. (2019). Exploring the Faces of Trust: A study of Chinese students in higher education. World Studies in Education, 20(1).
Farnsworth, S. S., Hallam, P. R., Hilton, S. C. (2019). Principal Learning Centered Leadership and Faculty Trust in the Principal. NASSP Bulletin.
Hallam, P. R., Boren, D. M. (2019). Examining a University-District Sponsored Principals Academy Through the Lens of Principal Supervisors. AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice.
Brown, S. D., Hallam, P. R., Quin, T. T. (2018). Propensity to Trust and Trust Development Among Chinese University Students. World Studies in Education.
Brown, S. D., Hallam, P. R., Tang, H. H. (2018). Impacts of Chinese Education Reform on Trust Development of Higher Education Faculty and Students. Curriculum and Teaching Journal, 33(1).
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Flanagan, PF, Hilton SC, Hallam PR, Boren DM. “District Response to USB64: Focus on compliance or improved student learning?” Chapter in Globalisation and Leadership in Schools, Springer, Netherlands, 2024.
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Hallam PR, Howe AT, Hilton SC. “Principal trust: Factors that influence faculty trust in the principal.” Chapter in Globalisation and Values Education: Teaching Democracy, Springer, Netherlands, 2023.
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