Dr. Donald Baum
United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) conference (Oxford, UK) - Collaborative professional development to improve equitable math teaching for return migrant students in central Mexico (September 2019) Co-presenters: Bryant Jensen, Rodriguez, Cutigno, Moran, Holdaway, Cannon, Jensen
Comparative and International Education Society (San Francisco) - Early childhood education for all: Contesting the global policy agenda in Tanzania (March 2019) Co-presenters: Jimmy Hernandez, Sophia Batey
Comparative and International Education Society (San Francisco) - Investigating private ECE in Nairobi: Links between cost, equity, and quality (March 2019) Co-presenters: Investigating private ECE in Nairobi: Links between cost, equity, and quality
Comparative and International Education Society Conference – Early childhood education for all: Contesting the global policy agenda in Tanzania (March 2018) Co-presenter: Jimmy Hernandez
Comparative and International Education Society Conference (Mexico City) – International education and public-private partnerships: a quasi-experimental assessment of reform strategies across 17 countries (March 2018)
Comparative and International Education Society Conference (Mexico City) – Reducing the constraints to school access and progress: Assessing the effects of a school scholarship program in Malawi (March 2018) Co-presenters: Stephan Hunsaker & Katy Ducos
Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Atlanta, GA) – Regulating market entry of low-cost private schools in Sub-Saharan Africa: Towards a theory of private education regulation (March 2017) Co-presenters: Rachel Cooper & Oni Lusk-Stover
Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference (Atlanta, GA) – Private School Vouchers in developing countries: A Survey of the evidence (March 2017)

Dr. David M. Boren
Utah Association of Secondary School Principals Midwinter Conference, Utah Association of Secondary School Principals (St. George, Utah) - Leadership Teams (January 2020) Co-presenters: Joseph N. Jensen
BYU Elementary Education Conference, Brigham Young University (Provo, UT) - Coaching, Collaboration, and Leadership (October 2019)
BYU Elementary Education Conference, McKay School of Education (Brigham Young University) - Effective Professional Development (October 2019)
BYU Leader's Associates, McKay School of Education (Homestead Resort) - Leading Deeper Learning (September 2019) Co-presenters: Garrick Peterson, Joe Backman
Elementary Partnership Advisory Council, McKay School of Education (Provo, Utah) - Deep Learning in Professional Learning Communities (January 2019) Co-presenters: Joe Jensen
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Waikiki, Hawaii) – Examining a University Multiple District sponsored Principals Academy (Jan 2019) Co-presenters: Pamela Rust Hallam & Mary Anne Prater
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Honolulu, Hawaii) – Examining a University-Multiple District Sponsored Principals Academy from the Perspective of the Principal Supervisors (Jan 2019) Co-presenters: P. Hallam & J. Jensen
Alpine School District Administrators Conference, Alpine School District (Willow Creek Middle School) – The Principal & Coach (August 2018) Co-presenters: J. Jensen
Alpine School District Instructional Coaches Academy, Alpine School District (American Fork, Utah) – The Why, What, & How of Coaching (March 2018)
Education in Zion Luncheon, Education in Zion Exhibit (Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah) – Using the Education in Zion Exhibit in EDLF 201(Feb 2017)
Utah Association of Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Utah Association of Teacher Educators (Provo, Utah) – Success and School (Feb 2017)
Power of Teaching, McKay School of Education (Provo, Utah) – Make Your Life a Mission (Jan 2017)

Dr. Bryan Bowles
Grow Your Own, Phi Delta Kappa (National - virtual) – Teacher Evaluations (Jan 2021)
Learning Edge Conference, CITES (Provo) – School Leadership: It’s Opening Night! (Nov 2017)
Meeting, Utah Kiwanis Club (Springville, UT) – Issues in Education (August 2017)
Annual Conference, LDS Educators Association (BYU Campus) – Feeding the Shepherd (July 2017)

Dr. Isaac Calvert
Emerging Pathways in Somatic Movement and Dance Education, National Dance Education Organization & International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (New York City) - Sanctity: Embodied revelation through somatic and dance practice (June 2019) Co-presenters: Marin Leggat Roper, Louisa Marie Rankin, Jessica Jensen, Katelynn Johnson, Carlee Coulson, Lindsay Chinain
Sanctity and the Moving Body (Richards Building, studio 185) - Sanctity and the Moving Body (April 2019) Co-Presenters: Marin Leggat Roper, Louisa Marie Rankin, Katelynn Johnson, Carlee Coulson, Jessica Jensen, Bayleigh Cragun, Fallon Fristoe, Taylor Buck
Annual Conference, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (New College, University of Oxford) - Teaching as a Sacred Act in Jewish Jerusalem (March 2019)

Dr. Macleans Geo-JaJa
1st WCCES symposium Comparative Education for Global Citizenship, Peace and Harmony through Ubuntu,, World Congress of Comparative Education (Johannesburg, South Africa) – Degrowth or Growth: A synthesis of Swedish and Danish education (June 2018)
International Education Conference (Las Vegas) – Development Aid: The Elusive Goal of Dialogism that Help People Help Themselves in Africa (Oct 2017)
Social Sciences Conference Workshop, Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria) – Between Development aid and Development in Developing Countries: Is Human Rights or Capability Positivism the Missing Link? (July 2017)

Dr. Pamela Hallam
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Waikiki, Hawaii) - Principal Learning-Centered Leadership and Faculty Trust in the Principal (January 2020) Co-presenters: Shane Farnsworth
China Education Innovation Expo (Zhuhai, China) - Making Change Happen in Schools (November 2019)
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Waikiki, Hawaii) – Examining a University Multiple District Sponsored Principals Academy (Jan 2019) Co-presenters: David McKay Boren & Mary Anne Prater
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Waikiki) – Propensity to Trust and Trust Development Among Chinese University Student (Jan 2019) Co-presenter: Samuel D Brown
Hawaii International Conference on Education (Waikiki, Hawaii) – The Impact of Various Demographic and Educational Attributes on International Students Propensity to Trust School Officials (Jan 2017) Co-presenter: Samuel D. Brown

Dr. Sterling Hilton
NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Salt Lake City, UT) - Collective Unit Planning: A Way to Promote Professionalism and Quality Practice in the Classroom (October 2019)
NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (Salt Lake City, UT) - Developing Conceptual and Representational Understanding of Integers and Integer Operations (October 2019) Co-presenters: Nicole Berg
NCSM Annual Conference (Washington, DC) – CPR for the Common Core: Using the Comprehensive Mathematics Instruction (CMI) Framework to unpack standards across a learning cycle (April 2018) Co-presenter: Scott J Hendrickson
NCSM Annual Conference, NCSM (San Antonio, TX) – A Framework for Thinking through a Unit: Implications for Tasks, Instructional Practices, and Student Outcomes (April 2017) Co-presenter: Scott J Hendrickson
NCSM Annual Conference, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (San Antonio, TX) – A Framework for Thinking through a Unit: Implications for Tasks, Instructional Practices, and Student Outcomes (April 2017) Co-presenter: Scott Jay Hendrickson

Dr. Spencer Weiler
Annual Conference, American Education Research Association (San Francisco, California) School safety and arming school personnel: A multi-state empirical examination of superintendents' experiences (April 2020) Co- presenters: Jacob D. Skousen
Annual Conference, Education Law Association (Norfolk, Virginia) - School funding litigation, total aid & teacher happiness (November 2019) Co-presenters: Jason Kopanke
Annual Conference, Education Law Association (Norfolk, Virginia) - Teaching school law online: good ideas & best practices (November 2019) Co-presenters: Philip Westbrook, Amy Dagley, Allison Mays
Annual Conference, Education Law Association (Norfolk, Virginia) - The color of law and armed school district employees (November 2019)
Annual Conference, National Education Finance Academy (Renton, Washington) - Equitable learning environments: A legal analysis of the role of school facilities in school finance litigation since 1989 (April 2019) Co-presenters: Carlee Simon, Mark Paige
Annual Conference, National Education Finance Academy (Renton, Washington) - I can't get no satisfaction: An examination of school fiannce litigation's influence on state aid for public education over 65 years in states with high and low teacher satisfaction (April 2019) Co-presenters: Christine Rienstra-Kiracofe, Jason Kopanke
Annual Conference, National Education Finance Academy (Renton, Washington) - State constitutional mandates and school facilities (April 2019) Co-presenters: Carlee Simon, Mark Paige