Books Portraying Characters with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Top Ten List

Books Portraying Characters with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Top Ten List

Books Portraying Characters with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Top Ten List
When Sharon Bascom, a teacher in the Nebo School District, approached Tina Dyches to learn more about children with emotional disturbance, Dyches gave her a…
Change Student Behavior by Changing Teacher Behavior

Change Student Behavior by Changing Teacher Behavior

Change Student Behavior by Changing Teacher Behavior
The key to improving student behavior is changing teacher behavior. Applied behavior analysis involves acting on lessons learned from behavioral assessments.
The Truth About Bilingual/Biliterate Education

The Truth About Bilingual/Biliterate Education

Barbara Lovejoy, President of the Utah Association for Bilingual Education, acknowledged a few possible reasons why bilingual education has gotten a bad…