Find a Slot in the Parking Lot

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- lot
- dot
- not
- hot
- got
- slot
- Six-sided die
- Paper car game pieces*
- Paper dot game pieces*
- Parking lot game board*
- Blank game board*
- Find a Slot in the Lot target text*
*Items included below.
State the Objective
Tell the children that they will look for a slot in a parking lot and read and write words ending in ot, such as lot, slot, dot, got, hot, and not.
Literacy Activities
Introduce target words
- Show the children the words: lot, dot, slot, spot, got, hot, and not.
- Read the words with the children.
- Read the Find a Slot in the Lot target text (see below) with the children.
Find a slot in the lot
- Divide the children into groups; give each group a parking lot game board and a die.
- Give each child a paper car and have them color it.
- Tell the children to roll the die to see how many spots they can move.
- If a child lands on a slot with a word, they read the word and get a dot.
- If a child lands on a slot with a dot, the child does not get a dot.
- Explain to the children that whoever gets five dots first wins the game.
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds
With word-building cards (see below), have the children make new words by changing a consonant or the vowel.
- Change the beginning consonant: lot → dot; got → hot; not → slot
- Change the vowel: lot → lit; hot → hat; not → net
- Change the ending consonant: dot → dog; hot → hop; not → nod
Write about this activity using target words and phrases
Play “pass the parking lot”:
- Have the children sit in small groups and take turns writing words that end in -ot in the slots on the blank game board (see below).
- Let the children write sentences using the target pattern (e.g., The lot got hot. The slot had a dot. I got a slot in the lot).
SEEL Target Texts
Find a Slot in a Parking Lot
A parking lot has a lot of slots.
Some slots in the parking lot have dots or spots.
And some slots do not have spots or dots.
Can you get a slot that does not have a spot or a dot?
Did you get a slot?
Did you get a slot with a dot or a spot?
Did you get a slot that did not have a spot or a dot?
Slip your car into a slot in the parking lot.
SEEL At Home
Read and write words that end with -ot.
- One number die
- Parking lot game board
- Dot and car game pieces
Activity: Find a Spot in the Parking Lot
- Give your child a car game piece to color and use for the game.
- Tell your child to roll the die to determine how many slots he or she can advance his or her car.
- Have your child read the word on the parking slot.
- If your child lands on a slot with a word, they read the word, get a dot, and leave their car in that slot.
- If you child lands on a slot with a dot, have him or her leave their car in that slot but not get a dot.
- Keep playing until one person has 5 dots.
- Help your child make a sign informing drivers which spots they can park on in the parking lot.
- The activity can be repeated several times.
SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Find a Slot in the Parking Lot