A Job for Bob

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- Bob
- job
- gob
- glob
- knob
- Gob of Glob game page*
- Glob (play dough, silly putty, or recipe* below)
- Word cards*
- A Job for Bob song*
*Items included below.
Click here to view a video demonstration of a lesson similar to A Job for Bob.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will take over a job for Bob as they read and write words ending in -ob, such as job, glob, and knob.
Literacy Activities
A Job for Bob
- Tell the children that you have a friend named Bob who has the best job; he turns a knob to make glob!
- Show the children a blob of glob (recipe below) and explain that glob is gooey and fun and ends in -ob, then invite them to listen for more words that end in -ob in the activity.
- Teach the children the A Job For Bob song (see below).
- Have the children pretend they are Bob making glob, making it slowly when you all sing slowly, or quickly when you all sing quickly.
- For variety, have the children do different actions as they pretend to make glob (e.g., turn the knob with one hand, both hands, both hands and feet, bob your head).
Gob of Glob game
- Give the children each a Gob of Glob game page (see below).
- Show the children an -ob word card (see below) and help them to read it.
- Have the children find the same word on the game page and put a gob of glob over the word.
- Help the children think of other words that start with -ob then let them write the words on their game page.
- Let the children play the game again.
Read target words in a text
- Display the A Job for Bob song (see below) large enough for the children to see.
- Read the target text to the children.
- Engage the children in reading the text (support as needed).
- Read the text with the children again, fading support.
- Have the children take turns underlining the words that end in -ob, then create their own word walls of the -ob words.
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SEEL Target Texts
A Job for Bob Song
(An echo song, to the tune of Sippin’ Cider Through a Straw)
Teacher: My name is Bob.
Children: My name is Bob.
Teacher: I have a job
Children: I have a job
Teacher: To turn a knob
Children: To turn a knob
Teacher: To make some glob.
Children: To make some glob.
Together: My name is Bob; I have a job
To turn a knob to make some glob.
Teacher: My name is Bob.
Children: My name is Bob.
Teacher: I have a job
Children: I have a job
Teacher: To turn a knob
Children: To turn a knob
Teacher: To make some glob.
Children: To make some glob.
Together: My name is Bob; I have a job
To turn a knob to make some glob.
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SEEL At Home
Read and write words ending in -ob
- Gob of Glob game page
- Glob (silly putty, play dough, or recipe below)
Activity: A Job For Bob
- Using the Gob of Glob game page, help your child read each of the words and have him or her underline each -ob ending.
- Tell your child you will say an -ob word, and he or she needs to find that word on the game page and put a gob of glob over it.
- Repeat until all of the -ob words on the game page have been covered with a gob of glob.
- Have your child take off each gob of glob and read each -ob word underneath (support where needed).
- With your child, think of more -ob words and help your child add them to the game page.
- Have fun playing the game and reading the words again.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

A Job for Bob