A Kid Slid a Lid

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- lid
- slid
- kid
- skid
- did
- hid
- Lids
- Word cards (laminated)
- Word blending cards
The children will play a game called Skid a Lid as they read and write words ending in -id, such as hid, bid, rid, skid, and slid.
Click here to view a video demonstration similar to this lesson.
Literacy Activities
Skid a Lid game
- Show the children how to skid a lid by sliding it across a flat surface.
- Hand a lid to each kid or let each kid pick a lid to skid.
- Have the children take turns trying to skid different lids.
- See which lid can skid the best.
- As the children skid the lids, have them chant, “Skid, skid, skid the lid.”
- Review with the children the words they heard that end in -id and make a list of the words on the board.
- Invite each child to underline the -id in a word on the list.
More Practice
Identify, blend, and manipulate sounds
- With word blending cards, have the children make new words by changing either of the consonants or the vowel:
- kid → lid; bid → skid; did → hid
- hid → had; lid → led; did → dad
- kid → kit; lid → lip; did → dim
Read and write target words
- Hold up the -id word cards and help the children read the words.
- Have the children choose a word card, read it, and see if they can skid it.
- As a class, write an account of what you did. (e.g.; We got to skid lids. The red lid slid the best.)
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SEEL At Home
Read and write words ending in -id.
- Word cards
- Lids of different shapes and sizes
- Tape
Activity: A Kid Slid a Lid!
- Skid the lids across a table or smooth floor to find out which lid skids the best.
- Take turns reading an -id word and then taping it in place around the table.
- Play a game where both of you choose a lid to skid and one "kid" gets to choose the -id word to skid the lid toward; the winner of each round is the "kid" who slid his or her lid the closest to the target word.
- Repeat, taking turns choosing which -id word will be the target.
- Help your child write one or two sentences about what he or she did (e.g.; I got to skid a lid. I slid the lid to the word did.).
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.

A Kid Slid a Lid