The Black Backpack

Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- black
- back
- pack
- track
- snack
- Black backpack or picture of a backpack
- Train track
- Picture cards or real objects
- Letter cards
- Brittle snacks to crack (i.e. crackers, pretzels)
- Black crayons
- Small pieces of paper
- Black Backpack target text
The children will help pack a black backpack as they read and write words that end in -ack, such as track, snack, black, back, and pack.
Literacy Activities
Pack a black backpack
- Give each child a picture card or object.
- Take turns packing the black backpack with the -ack items while everyone says, “Pack a ___ in the black backpack.”
- When you have finished packing, tell the children they are ready to go on their train trip and travel on a train track.
- Set out the train track on the floor then form a line and pretend to be in a train on a track.
- Make a train sound using the -ack word ending (e.g., “ack-ack-ack-ack, ack-ack-ack-ack,” etc.) while traveling in the train on the track.
Crack a snack from a black backpack
- Pack snacks (use snacks like pretzels or crackers that are brittle enough to crack) in a black backpack to get ready for a trip in a train on a track.
- Stack the snacks inside the pack.
- Form a line and pretend to be in a train on a track.
- Unpack the snacks from the black backpack while traveling on the track.
- Tell the children that you lack enough snacks for everyone to have a snack (explain that lack means to not have enough of something) so they will have to crack the snacks and share.
- Crack the snacks from the black backpack and share with everyone who is riding in the train on the track.
- Ask the children what words they heard in the activity that end with -ack and make a list of them on the board.
More Practice
Identify, blend and manipulate sounds
- With the letter cards have the children make new words by changing the vowel or either of the consonants:
- pack → back, rack → jack, track → smack, snack → black
- pack → pat, back → bat → ban, smack → small → smash
- pack → peck → pick, track → trick →truck, back →buck
Read target words in a text
- Read the text Black Backpack together as a class/group.
- Read the text again, fading support.
- Have the children underline the words that end in –ack.
Write about the activity using target words
- Play a “pass the backpack” game with children.
- Have the children sit in a circle and take turns passing the black backpack.
- As the children get the backpack, have them say a new word that ends in -ack.
- Write each new word on the board.
- Repeat the game, but this time, have the children write each word on a small piece of paper with a black crayon then stack each new word on the backpack.
- Give the children paper and pencil and let them write words from dictation: pack, back, stack, snack, rack, tack, jack
- Give the children a whiteboard and have them write words from dictation, changing one or two letters each time to make a new word: back, pack, lack, slack, snack, stack, tack, rack, sack, jack
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SEEL Target Texts
Black Backpack
I pack my black backpack for a trip on a train on a track.
I pack a jack inside my black backpack.
I pack a tack inside my black backpack.
I pack a rack inside my black backpack.
I pack a snack inside my black backpack.
I pack and stack things in my black backpack.
I pack a jack inside my black backpack.
I pack a tack inside my black backpack.
I pack a rack inside my black backpack.
I pack a snack inside my black backpack.
I pack and stack things in my black backpack.
I get on the train and ride on the track.
I hear the train on the track say “ack, ack, ack!”
I want a snack while I ride in the train on the track.
I unpack a snack from my black backpack.
I crack a snack and share with my friend Jack.
I hear the train on the track say “ack, ack, ack!”
I want a snack while I ride in the train on the track.
I unpack a snack from my black backpack.
I crack a snack and share with my friend Jack.
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SEEL At Home
Read and write words that end in –ack (e.g., black).
- Picture cards (cut out and placed around a room)
- Backpack
- Snacks to crack (optional)
- Paper and pencil
Activity: The Backpack
- Have your child search for the picture cards you have placed around a room.
- When your child finds a picture card, place it in the backpack saying, "Pack a ___ in the backpack!"
- After all the picture/word cards have been found, help your child make a list of the items in their backpack and read the list together.
- With your child, eat a snack that cracks (e.g., chips, pretzels--optional).
- The activity can be repeated several times.
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
The Black Backpack