Barbara's Banana Bread

Associate the uppercase letter B and lowercase letter b with the /b/ sound, as in bear, buy, and baked.
Lesson Plan
Target Words:
- buy
- bits
- buns
- best
- baked
- bread
- banana
- Grid*
- Barbara’s Best Bakery sign*
- Buy Baked Goods at Barbara’s Bakery sign*
- Pictures of baked goods (e.g., buns, bagels, banana bread)*
- Bills, big B tokens, and small b tokens*
- Barbara’s Best Banana Bread target text*
- Baked Goods to Buy at Barbara’s Bakery target text (optional)*
- Bits of buns, banana bread, bread, brownies, or bagels to taste (optional)
*Items included below.
State and Model the Objective
Tell the children that they will go to Barbara’s bakery to buy buns, bagels, brownies, or banana bread while they practice saying the /b/ sound in words that start with the letter B, such as banana, bits, and best.
Literacy Activities
Browse baked items
- State that the words bread, buns, bake, brownies, and banana all begin with the letter B, and the letter B makes the /b/ sound.
- Set up Barbara’s Bakery:
- Put out pictures of baked goods that begin with /b/ and a piece of bread (optional).
- Label the baked goods: buns, bread, brownies, bagels.
- Set up the Barbara’s Best Bakery sign and the Buy Baked Goods at Barbara’s Bakery sign.
- Show the children the things in the bakery: the bread, buns, brownies, and bagels (pictures and/or real bread or buns).
- Comment on the baked goods: “This is the best banana bread that Barbara bakes!” “These are buttery buns. Look at the beautiful bagels.”
- Count the number of items in the bakery and have the children write one letter B for every word that begins with the /b/ sound.
- Throughout the activity, make comments to emphasize the /b/ sound: “Better buy Barbara’s best banana bread.” “These buns are better than buns from any other bakery.” “These are the best bakery baked buns—baked with butter.” “What beautiful banana bread!” “Barbara never burns her baked goods.”
Buy baked items
- Ask the children if they want a bit or a bite of Barbara’s best baked banana bread (or best baked buns, bread, bagels, or brownies—any baked goods available).
- Tell the children they can buy bits and bites of Barbara’s best banana bread with Bs that make the /b/ sound—the sound they hear when they say “Barbara’s best baked banana bread.”
- Let the children write a B or trace a B on the grid with Bs in order to get a bit of bread, and have them say the /b/ sound each time they write or trace a letter B.
- Let the children pay for the baked goods with a pretend dollar bill or with pretend B tokens. They can use bills to buy baked goods or big B tokens and small b tokens to buy bits of baked goods.
More Practice
Read target words and patterns introduced in the activity
- Read the Barbara’s Best Banana Bread target text to the children.
- Have the children underline the words that begin with B and say /b/ every time they underline a word.
- Repeat with the Baked Goods to Buy at Barbara’s Bakery target text (optional).
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SEEL Target Texts
Barbara's Best Banana Bread
Barbara bakes banana bread.
Barbara bakes the BEST banana bread.
Try a bit of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Take a bite of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Break the banana bread into bits.
Break the banana bread into bite-size bits.
Take bits and bites of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Barbara bakes the BEST banana bread.
Try a bit of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Take a bite of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Break the banana bread into bits.
Break the banana bread into bite-size bits.
Take bits and bites of Barbara’s best banana bread.
Baked Goods to Buy at Barbara's Bakery
Barbara’s bakery sells baked goods.
It sells the BEST baked goods.
Buy buns, bagels, and bread at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy the best banana bread at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy bread, buns, brownies or bagels at Barbara’s bakery with a dollar bill.
Buy bagels, buns, brownies and bread made with butter at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy the best buns, bagels, brownies and banana bread at Barbara’s bakery!
It sells the BEST baked goods.
Buy buns, bagels, and bread at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy the best banana bread at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy bread, buns, brownies or bagels at Barbara’s bakery with a dollar bill.
Buy bagels, buns, brownies and bread made with butter at Barbara’s bakery.
Buy the best buns, bagels, brownies and banana bread at Barbara’s bakery!
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SEEL lessons align with Common Core Standards. Please see the standards page for the code(s) associated with this lesson.
Barbara's Banana Bread