Utah Conference on
Research (UCUR)
Thesis (3MT)

Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR)

Purpose & Overview

University students and mentors from across Utah gather annually to share academic, research, and creative activities with oral presentations and posters. Every year a different university hosts the conference, and MSE students and their mentors are encouraged to participate. BYU covers the expense of the conference registration and transportation (chartered bus) for all students presenting as well as for faculty members who attend.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

Undergraduate students

Date and Location

Friday, February 16, 2024 at Utah Valley University

Submission Deadline

September 11, 2023 - November 3, 2023

Notice of Acceptance

December 4, 2023

Registration Deadline for Accepted Submissions

December 4, 2023 - January 12, 2024

Conference Website


3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition


The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) contest is an annual event where participating graduate students have just three minutes and one slide to present their research. The winner of the McKay School of Education 3MT Contest advances to the university level contest to compete against winners from other participating colleges on campus.

Participants are critiqued by a panel of judges in three areas: 1) Comprehension - how well they know the research and was their presentation sequenced well in clearly describing background information and key or possible future results; 2) Engagement – did they convey enthusiasm for their research and engage the audience; and 3) Communication – presentation style, pacing and using appropriate language for a non-specialist audience.

BYU Competition: Individual BYU colleges hold their competition to determine one competitor who will advance the university-wide competition.

Who is Eligible to Participate?

Master's, Education Specialists, and Doctoral Candidates.
Graduate students who received funding from the MSE are invited to participate in both the 3MT and the MSE Mentored Research Conference.

MSE Date and Location

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 (Location to be determined)

BYU Date and Location

Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 11:00 am in the WSC Varsity Theater

Application Deadline

Friday, January 24, 2025 by 11:59 pm





1st Place: $500; 2nd Place: $300; 3rd Place: $200


1st Place: $2,000; 2nd Place: $1,500; 3rd Place: $1,000
Contestant's Choice: $500; Remaining participants: $250


Judging Criteria


Information on 3MT


McKay School of Education (MSE) Inspiring Learning Expo


Create and strengthen relationships within the McKay School covenant community through sharing inspiring learning experiences.


The Inspiring Learning Showcase and Expo is an opportunity for the McKay School to strengthen as many students as possible both intellectually and spiritually by:

  1. Helping students and faculty to reflect on and share their personal experiences with inspiring learning (winter).
  2. Helping students and faculty to make connections that will lead to opportunities for inspiring learning (fall).

Winter Expo
When: Thursday, March 6th, 11:00-11:50 am
Where: McKay Building (MCKB)
Who: Students are invited to give presentations and/or attend presentations

Faculty & Staff – support students by attending presentations, helping students prepare to present, encouraging students to attend, and giving support to run the event

It is expected that all students receiving funding for Research Assistantships or through Experiential Learning present at the Expo. All faculty and staff are also expected to support our students by attending the Expo.


There are two ways to participate:

  1. Attend the Expo: We welcome everyone to attend and learn about the inspiring learning experiences student in the MSE are having. So, please come even if you don’t have something to present
  2. Present at the Expo: We are excited for students who have experience working with faculty or staff to do a short presentation on how their experience inspired them. (Presentation details below)

All students, faculty and staff must register for the Expo

Presenter Deadline: February 7th
General Deadline: February 24th

Presentation Information

  • Presentation Format:

    Each student or group will have a station with a bistro table to present from. They should prepare one of the following: (detailed instructions in the registration page)

  • Content Guidelines:

    Presentations should focus on all three of the following (more details on registration page):

    1. Intellectually Enlarging - What was the research/experience about and how it is helping the student to grow intellectually.

    2. Spiritually Strengthening/Character Building - One or more ways the student grew spiritually or their character is being developed in the project.

    3. Lifelong Learning and Service - How this experience is shaping the student’s future.

  • Presentation Guidelines

Event Structure

  • There will be two tracks first half and second half of the event
  • Students will present at their station for 15–20 minutes during an assigned track
  • During the track students are not presenting they will get food and engage with other student presentations