The BS in Special Education requires application to the program. It is designed to prepare students to teach Special Education in public schools. In order to graduate with this major and be recommended for licensure, students are required to complete Utah State Office of Education (USOE) licensing requirements. For more information regarding program requirements, please contact the Education Advisement Center (EAC, 350 MCKB).
The following table displays the classes students will take prior to applying for the Special Education undergraduate program and the order in which they will complete their courses once they have been admitted to the program. (Prerequisites can be taken as early as Freshman year.) The table does not include General Education courses (GEs) and other requirements. (Please note that CPSE 480 fulfills the Global & Cultural Awareness GE.) Starting in January 2020, applicants are required to have a standardized writing score, in addition to math and reading. For students beginning the program after August 1, 2014, grades below C in any required coursework will not be accepted. Teacher candidates must maintain a total GPA of 3.0 or higher throughout the program and to qualify for student teaching.
The final semester in the program will consist of student teaching.
Starting with the 2017–2018 academic year, TESOL (teaching English as a second or other language) and ASL (American Sign Language) are no longer required for the Special Education major. However, TESOL minor or ASL classes are still suggested. (Please note that TESOL and ASL courses do not appear on the table.) Students should contact the EAC for more information on minors.
Mild/Moderate Disabilities (Up To 62 Total Credit Hours) | Severe Disabilities (Up To 62 Total Credit Hours) |
Prerequisites: CPSE 203, CPSE 410, CPSE 480, MthED 305, MthEd 306 Suggested schedule: Freshman Year (3) Sophomore Fall Semester (4) Sophomore Winter Semester (5) *This class fulfills both the university core and program requirements Apply by February 5 for early consideration to enter the professional sequence. (Final deadline is August 1.) ADMITTED INTO PROGRAM Apply for student teaching by January 15 Junior Winter Semester (12 hrs) Junior Spring Term (5 hrs)
| Prerequisites: CPSE 203, CPSE 410, CPSE 480, MthED 305, MthEd 306 Suggested schedule: Freshman Year (3) Sophomore Fall Semester (4) Sophomore Winter Semester (5) *This class fulfills both the university core and program requirements Apply by February 5 for early consideration to enter the professional sequence. (Final deadline is August 1.) ADMITTED INTO PROGRAM Apply for student teaching by January 15 Junior Winter Semester (12 hrs) Junior Spring Term (5 hrs) Senior Year: Student Teaching/Internship (12 hrs) |